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When printing at the district, please use the D150-FindMePrinting printer as your best print option. In the D150 Apps window, you have an icon to install that printer (if you don't have that icon, it's already installed on your computer); on Windows 10 you may need to reboot after installing to see that printer as an option. Printing to that printer holds the job in the 'cloud' and you release it securely at any district copier (swipe badge, press Menu, Release).
When printing at the district, please use the D150-FindMePrinting printer as your best print option. In the D150 Apps window, you have an icon to install that printer (if you don't have that icon, it's already installed on your computer); on Windows 10 you may need to reboot after installing to see that printer as an option. Printing to that printer holds the job in the 'cloud' and you release it securely at any district copier (swipe badge, press Menu, Release).
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